Berkhamsted Revisited: A Teenage Diary Podcast

Berkhamsted Revisited: A Teenage Diary Podcast

In 2005 a 13 year old Laura Kirk started writing a diary, chronicling her life in a small town just north of London famed for a beautiful cinema and a 12th century castle built by William the Conquerer’s half-brother. Her adolescence in Berkhamsted was a fairly quiet life of school, boys, MSN usernames, sport, growing up awkwardly and using words like 'phwoar' and 'lush'. Laura kept a diary for six years, right up until she went to university. Now, along with her friend (unhelpfully, also called Laura), she's reading back over them and trying to make sense of the key issues - what exactly did ‘topping’ mean; why she was so anxious about going to parties with her friends; why did she make her family name their cat after a sixth former she fancied; and most importantly, why on earth was she so obsessed with England cricketer Andrew Flintoff? [...]